Many Kindergarten teachers choose to use the same old
computer literacy games such as Starfall and PBSkids to reinforce literacy skills taught in the classroom. Its time for Kinder teachers to break out of the box of the norm and into a larger space of new ideas and software used to incorporate technology into their lesson plans and home connections activities.
Game Goo is a free interactive literacy based website filled with FUN and EXCITING games that reinforces early reading and language skills and is aligned with state curriculum standards. The games are engaging and research-based. Game Goo is developed by Earobics. Earobics is a multisensory reading intervention program similiar to FUNdations as it exposes students to the same exercise over and over again. Earobic addresses reading challenges through the use of technology and multimedia materials.
ABCmousebanner [Image]. (2013). Retreieved June 21, 2013, from:
GameGoobanner [Image]. (2013) Retrevied June 21, 2013, from:
PBSkidslogo [Image]. (2013) Retreived June 21, 2013, from: